
Sales Jessberger in Turkey

We offer the full range of products of Jessberger products. Products have modern technology rank as succesfully in many endustry deparments. Our company would be pleased asssisting you about demanded focus supply in accessories. When you wish to receive tender, just let us know the information of model.

Brand products Jessberger

2141 0120

pump tube

2141 0121

Pump tube

JP-280 /8333

Electrical Drum Pump Coupling

JP-180 11802300

universal motor

JP 180 11801150

universal motor

JP 180 11802301

universal motor

JP 180 11801151

universal motor

98830622 / JP-180 PP( HC)

drump pump set with electric motor, spec for chemicals, light acids and alkalis

98830623 /JP-840

horizontal centrifugal pump


Drive shaft

JP810.35 P HTTPV 1 AB

compressed air diaphragm pump

1160 2301 / JP-160

Universal motor drum pumps


connection flange



9020 / FM120PP 20-120L/MM 2MPAS 1’’ G

Electronic turbine wheel meter

Other Category Brands

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