
Sales Italvibras in Turkey

You can contact us if you wish to receive tender about Italvibras brand. We will make sure to provide you with the lowest price and shortest delivery time for original and high quality products. Italvibras products are preference of the world due to high quality and low price. Refer us for having a professional service with our expert stuff.

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Brand products Italvibras

MVSI 15/900-S02

Industrial Vibrator

MVSI 3/100-S02

Unbalance Drive

MVSI 3/100-S02, 400 V, 50 Hz, 3000 min-1

2 pole 415 or 250v nm100kg CS 180W

MVSI 3/1500-S08

Electric vibrator

600312C / MVSI3/200-S02

Industrial Vibrator


Vibration motor

MVSI 3/200-S02

400 V, 50 Hz, 3000 min-1 -Weight: 6.4 kg / pc

MVSI 3/200-S02 220/400V, 3000 R/MIN., 018KW

vibrator 220/400V 300 r/min 0.18 kW

MVSI 3/3200-S02

Industrial Vibrator

MVSI 3/800-S02

400 V, 50 Hz, 3,000 rpm

MVSI10/3000-S02 SERIE AA

SERIES AA vibrator

MVSJ 10/15000-S90 ,SERIE:AA

Motor, Serial No:070523288

Type:MVSI 3/55-VS 100-AA Code:204432

motor 0.25KW,0,125 KW. 3000 d/d


unbalancing drives

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