Camille Bauer

Sales Camille Bauer in Turkey

You can contact us if you wish to receive tender about Camille Bauer brand. We will make sure to provide you with the lowest price and shortest delivery time for original and high quality products. Camille Bauer products are preference of the world due to high quality and low price. Camille Bauer products fabricate in modern foundations with high technology investments.

Brand products Camille Bauer


Position transmitter

1F1/592-1 - Nr 727775/6/5

Transmitter SINEAX 1F1/592


Voltage Transducer

539-41Z2-500 / SINEAX U539

Transducer for AC voltage

KINAX 3W2 NLB 868 TYPE708-115D 1/D

Kinax 3W2 rotary angle transmitter for installation

Type: 760-211 2011 9000

Rotational angle transmitter for installation

Sineax I 538 (040/40/025/020/001)

with auxiliary energy connection

WT717-2200-0E01-00M0 0

built-in device

162884 / SINEAX TI801

Passive isolator


position transmiter

M563 14658/1103557/075

programmable multiple measurement converter

KINAX WT707 144DA150

Transducer for angle of rotation


Transmitter for Angular Position


Multifunctional power meter

WT707-122D A250

Angle Transducer

707-215D B151 A/// //0

Angle of rotation transmitter

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